Epic Day 5 – And they “rest”

So today was a day to mentally and physically regroup.  I both wish for but dread rest days during epic camp.  Although I feel like they stand like a beacon above a field of challenging and exhausting days, I also always become more overwhelmed by the concept of completing the remainder of camp.  But today was a rest day and I did my best today to challenge my daemons and keep the rest of camp in perspective.

We ran 10 km this morning down along the beach on Ali’i drive – during which the weather rapidly transitioned from a cool to blistering hot morning.  Nothing particularly remarkable about the run – I was slow … the cant on the sides of the road really kills my knees and it took me almost the full 10 km to warm up my legs!!

After making lunch, we headed over towards Waipio beach.  It was an average 27ish % grade for just over a half-mile to get down to the beach – and boy howdy were my knees were yelling at me throughout the trek down.  I tried walking sideways, which helped some … but it was slow going.  Once down to the black sand beach, we had enough time to pose for some pics, eat our lunch, and head back up the mountain.  Honestly it was gorgeous, but I think I was really just been too tired (both physically and mentally) to appreciate its beauty.  I sat on the beach as soon as we hit a row of rocks that were suitable for perching, but didn’t do much exploring.

From there, the afternoon was mellow.  Mom and I looked through wedding pictures, which was a fun mental break from everything and actually kind of helped keep my daemons and nerves about the remainder of the week at bay.  All and all it was a good day of rest.  After an early bed (9:30 or so), I will be ready to go tomorrow.

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